What time of day do you deliver?

Read more about each of these delivery options below

Please select delivery area

UK & Northern Ireland deliveries

UK & Northern Ireland deliveries

We use DPD which guarantees delivery within 24 hours.

When we dispatch your item, we will email you with a tracking number. If you click on the link within the dispatch confirmation email, it will take you directly to your delivery information on the DPD website. There you can track your item and find out the estimated delivery time.

DPD is an insured service that will require your signature when delivered. If you are out when they call, a “missed delivery” card will be left. You can then either collect your parcel from a local office or shop as stated on the card, or arrange a re-delivery via the DPD website.

Worldwide deliveries (Non UK)

Worldwide deliveries

We use FedEx for international deliveries and the delivery time will vary slightly according to the services FedEx operates in your country.

When we dispatch your item we will also email you a FedEx tracking number. You can click on this number and the link will take you directly to your order’s delivery details on the FedEx website. There you can track your item, including its whereabouts and estimated delivery time.

Below you’ll find the estimated FedEx transit times to different parts of the world. (Please note that FedEx delivery times apply to working days, excluding weekends and bank holidays.)

1 day
1-4 days
1-2 days
2-3 days
2-3 days
2-3 days
South America
2-3 days

FedEx will require your signature when they deliver your parcel. If you are out when they call, the courier will stick a “door tag” onto your front door, letter box or in the communal area of your building.

The door tag will advise you of any future delivery attempts FedEx has planned. If these do not suit you, the door tag will usually also include information on how to pick up the parcel yourself from your nearest FedEx office, or arrange re-delivery to an alternative location via the FedEx website.

Please check the FedEx website for further information:
Fedex International Shipping
